
TV Favorites


Our Annual and Only Fundraising Event!

TV Favorites

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Doors Open & Dancing Begins at 5:30 p.m.

~ Dance to the music of the Garage Big Band ~
Lodi Moose Lodge
3824 E. Woodbridge Road
Acampo, California
Ample free, well-lit parking!

* Dinner catered by Angelina’s Spaghetti House
* No-Host Bar
* Raffles
* Door Prize

Featuring the Lodi Community Band performing memorable & iconic themes from classic television series!

$50 tax deductible* donation per person

How does the Band utilize your tax deductible donations?
* We provide scholarships to talented high school students to pursue their musical training/education
* We purchase music to perform at various events throughout the year in and around Lodi
* We cover the costs of presenting concerts without charging admission, including our annual Christmas concert presented at Hutchins Street Square (the City of Lodi charges a fee to use the facility and provide security personnel).


Click HERE to purchase yours!

Use your debit or credit card & pay no service fees!

Tickets will also be available directly from band members!

Questions? Problems? Send an email to tix@lodicommunityband.com and we will assist you to complete the purchase of ticket(s).

Thank you for your support!

*The Lodi Community Band was granted tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service on July 8, 2003, ID #68-0253816, and the California Franchise Tax Board on August 31, 2005, ID #2727121.