
San Joaquin Delta College


Rehearsals resume on Monday, January 13, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Band Room of Millswood Middle School, 233 North Mills Avenue, Lodi, California. There is ample free parking at Millswood Middle School. (Directions below.)

In order to be a member of the Band, you must be enrolled in San Joaquin Delta College’s Community Education Program. The cost is $60. Click here to enroll and pay the required fee.

Come join us as we make beautiful music under the direction of San Joaquin Delta College’s Director of Bands, Art Holton!

Note: It is extremely helpful and very much appreciated if you register prior to our first rehearsal on January 13, 2014, because that will enable us to spend less time dealing with administrative/clerical matters and allow us to devote the bulk of our time together rehearsing! However, if you are not able to enroll prior to our first rehearsal, a member of the Band will assist you with the enrollment process that evening. Please bring a major credit card with which to pay the fee.

High school students: You are invited to be a member of the Lodi Community Band and earn one unit of credit from San Joaquin Delta College, but you must be concurrently enrolled in your high schoolโ€™s band and obtain permission from both your principal and high school band director. Mr. Holton will provide you with the required forms at the first rehearsal. It is your responsibility to obtain those individualsโ€™ signatures and return the completed forms to Mr. Holton in a timely manner.

Questions? Feel free to contact Mr. Holton via e-mail (aholton at deltacollege dot edu) or speak with him at the first rehearsal. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Directions to the Millswood Middle School Band Room:

From Turner Road: Turn south onto Mills Avenue (next to General Mills). The school is on your right immediately after and adjacent to First Baptist Church.

From Lodi Avenue: Go north on Mills Avenue, past the intersection of Elm Street and Mills Avenue. The school is on your left immediately before and adjacent to First Baptist church.

Millswood Middle School and First Baptist Church share a large parking lot. The Band Room is at the front of the campus. Enter the school’s front gate past the Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Room on your left. Proceed straight, up the steps leading to double doors. Follow the sound of your fellow musicians tuning up, preparing to rehearse!