


Registration is now open for the Spring 2022 semester.

Rehearsals will be held on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Millswood Middle School Bandroom, 233 North Mills Avenue, Lodi, California, commencing on January 24, 2022.

In order to be a member of the Lodi Community Band, you must register to be a student via the college’s online registration system. If you have not previously enrolled in a Delta College class or more than two semesters have elapsed since you last attended the college, you must reapply for admission following the step-by-step directions set forth on Delta’s website.

NOTE: You must comply with San Joaquin Delta College’s COVID-19 protocols. You will not be permitted to register until you submit proof of vaccination status or apply for an exemption on the basis of medical status or religious belief via this link. You will be notified when your status has been confirmed or the exemption granted. If you are exempted from being vaccinated, you will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test every week prior to attending rehearsal. Additionally, masks must be worn at all times when inside and will be provided to all musicians (flutists must place a shield on the headjoint of their instrument). There will be no exceptions made to the mask policy. Each time you attend rehearsal, you will be required to attest that you have not displayed symptoms of or been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.

Director Arthur Holton III requests that all band members and prospective members register prior to the first rehearsal because that minimizes the amount of time that must be devoted to administrative/clerical matters. rather than rehearsing.

After you have completed the application process or, if you are a continuing student, you must enroll in one of two classes. If you would like to receive one unit of college credit, register for Music 028 (Course No. 31017). If you prefer to audit the course and not receive college credit, register for Music 128 (Course No. 31020). Note: Members of both the Lodi Community Band and Stockton Concert Band should register for Music 102 (Course No. 31053).

High school students, please note: You are invited to be a member of the Stockton Concert Band and earn one unit of credit from Delta College, but you must be concurrently enrolled in your high school’s band and obtain permission from both your principal and high school band director. The forms may be obtained from Mr. Holton at the first rehearsal of the semester.

Questions? Feel free to drop an email to info at lodicommunityband dot com!